3 Snack Ideas for Diabetics

The amount of stress and beating that the body undergoes on a daily basis cannot be ignored, and the body requires the right types and amount of nutrients to cope with it. For holistic growth, it is important to give ample consideration to the food consumed, exercise regularly, and nurture a positive attitude.

Following a healthy lifestyle and workout regime can be beneficial for overall health in the long term. Many nutritionists have mentioned that eating 5-6 small meals instead of 3 large meals in a day helps the body absorb nutrients better and can aid in developing physical stamina. It also helps the body process the fat, aiding weight loss. The aim is to eat smaller portions and more frequently. By doing this, the body is forced into thinking that there will always be an inflow of food, which discourages the need to store fat for later use.

Individuals with diabetes benefit a lot from this as they tend to feel hungry more often. Snacking on healthy food at regular intervals helps maintain blood sugar levels and reduces pressure on the pancreas to process a lot of food at one time. Discussed here are some healthy snack options for diabetes patients:

  • Turkey roll-up
    This is one of the most healthy snacks for diabetes patients and is also easy to make. The idea is to replace bread with turkey breast slices in sandwiches. The filling can be any low-carb, high-fiber choice like cheese or vegetables. The high protein content in the sandwiches/wraps is very good for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. This snack also helps reduce appetite, which can prevent overeating, aiding in weight management.
  • Cottage cheese
    Plain cottage cheese or cottage cheese mixed with fruits and nuts is a great snack option for people with diabetes. A 113 gram serving of cottage cheese is loaded with 13 grams of protein and only 5 grams of carbs and also contains many other minerals and vitamins. It is also noteworthy that regular cottage cheese is better than the low-fat varieties as the fat in regular cottage cheese also has properties that help in lowering blood sugar levels. As per research, people who had cottage cheese with double the amount of sugar had 38% lower blood sugar when checked afterward than people who consumed only sugar.
  • Tuna salad
    Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which aids in managing blood sugar levels by lowering the inflammation of cells. This means tuna salad is a healthy snack for patients with diabetes. This salad is usually made with mayonnaise, which can easily be replaced with other healthy options like yogurt or cottage cheese. Adding vegetables like celery, carrots, and onions to the salad also makes it high in minerals and fiber content. All these are known to help maintain and sometimes lower blood sugar levels.