Trigger Foods for Migraines and the Elimination Diet

Migraines are debilitating headaches that are, most often, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to light and sound. There are many triggers that can increase the risk of a person developing a migraine, and some that may worsen the symptoms of an existing migraine attack. Some people are affected by the foods they eat, but some foods can also reduce the risk as well as the frequency of the occurrence of the migraines and the severity of the associated symptoms.

Trigger foods for migraines vary from one person to another, but the symptoms may be triggered or aggravated due to the consumption of some common food items. The most common food triggers for migraines are cured meat, yeast extract, aged cheese, chocolate, smoked fish, and alcoholic beverages, specifically red wine and beer. Additionally, food preservatives like nitrites, nitrates, artificial sweeteners, and MSG also trigger migraines.

Also, if an individual does not eat anything, it can eventually cause an increase in the occurrence of migraines. This is because migraine attacks are worsened due to low blood sugar levels.

The elimination diet
The elimination diet is one of the common methods undertaken to deal with migraines. Doctors suggest that individuals who experience migraines should maintain a proper food journal to keep track of what they eat and any symptoms they experience after eating a specific food item. This can help identify trigger foods for migraines and eliminate them from the diet to prevent future attacks. It is necessary to note that some people may face a quick reaction to the food eaten, while others may react to what they have eaten after as long as 24 hours. Also, the same food item might lead to mild symptoms in some people, while it may cause migraines with severe symptoms in others.

The elimination diet requires one to take one potential trigger food for migraines out of their daily diet for a few weeks and check whether they still experience the symptoms. For instance, if a person decides to avoid all the items with red wine, they will know whether it is triggering or aggravating the symptoms when they consume it. Otherwise, it can be slowly reintroduced into the diet, and the next potential trigger food for migraine can be eliminated for a few weeks to check the same.

Foods to avoid
Foods that people with migraines should avoid eating are soft pretzels, seasoned or highly-flavored chips, fresh bread or fresh bread pizza, and flavored crackers like cheddar cheese crackers. Also, one needs to avoid nut butter, chicken and beef livers, flavored popcorn, and breaded and marinated meat. One should also try to avoid foods like packaged dips, including mustard dips, alfredo sauce, or salsa as well as bottled salad dressings as they contain preservatives and additives that can trigger migraines. In addition, aspartame, nitrates, and MSG are additives that should be avoided in all foods.