5 dietary tips to control symptoms of Crohn

 Following certain dietary tips for Crohn’s disease is necessary if you want to manage the symptoms of the condition. Given below are some tips that will help better the condition:


Limiting trigger food may not be a great idea
Although avoiding some foods may help you to control the symptoms of the disease flares, it is not advised to completely restrict yourself from consuming them. It might lead to malnutrition which is even worse and is often accompanied by Crohn’s disease. Such foods need to be identified and you will then have to identify alternate food to substitute the calories, carbohydrates, protein, fats, and other nutrients that are in the foods that you stop consuming. Including foods that are nutrient-dense in the diet plan is essential.


Fast foods are good when eaten sparingly
While fast foods are considered bad foods, they are normally avoided in a typical diet plan that is believed to be healthy. But they are also required in smaller quantities because they can boost up your diet because some of these fast foods contain a good number of calories and key nutrients supplies. For example, pizza is high in calories, protein, and vital nutrients like calcium, vitamins A, B, C, and D. A milkshake is rich in calories and calcium. Meanwhile, it is also important to take good medication before consuming milk-based food if one is lactose-intolerant.


Seek a doctor’s advice on supplements
Most people suffering from Crohn’s disease are likely deficient in vitamin D. A study based on preventive medicine published that vitamin D doses of 1,000 to 2,000 IU per day may be good in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. These risks may be particularly high in individuals suffering from IBD. Hence, it is best if a doctor or a dietitian is consulted for taking suitable supplements in ideal dosages based on your situation.


Try a high-calorie liquid diet to control the symptoms
Liquid diets are believed to be of help to people suffering from certain health conditions. There are a few research publications which provide evidence to suggest that a high-calorie liquid diet may benefit some people with Crohn’s disease as well. Particularly during a disease flare-up. A liquid diet helps in suppressing the symptoms of Crohn’s disease by giving the much-needed rest to the intestines. Additionally, these liquid diets or special liquid formulae that are high in calories will help by providing the short-term extra nutrition or for those with intestines which cannot absorb enough nutrition from whole foods while suffering from Crohn’s disease. Certain supplements like Ensure Plus, Boost Plus etc., may be a good option when a boost in calories and nutrients is needed by someone with Crohn’s. This is an essential dietary tip for Crohn’s disease.


Include omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics in your diet
Several studies indicate the importance of including good fats in our diet to manage the inflammatory response that is characterized by IBD. These good fats can be found in abundance in fish oil and flaxseed oil. However, it is only a belief and not proven as to whether omega-3 fatty acids have any specific anti-inflammatory effect on IBD or not. Hence, it is better to talk to a doctor before adding omega-3 fatty acid supplements to your food intake.