7 Foods for High Cholesterol Issues

One out of three people in the country suffers from high blood cholesterol issues. This could be due to various reasons like lack of sleep, lack of exercise, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, or lack of nutritious food. Following an improper diet is one of the major factors that lead to high blood cholesterol levels.

Most times, we assume that the body gets cholesterol only through the fatty foods we eat, but this is not completely true. The liver produces enough and more fats by itself as it is required for the body. Sometimes, due to liver diseases that might be caused by alcohol-related liver disease, hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the liver fails to break down cholesterol. This leads to a buildup of cholesterol in the body and also in the arteries, which may also lead to heart disease, stroke, and other medical conditions like obesity and diabetes. Here are some foods to include in your diet to avoid high cholesterol issues:

  • Pecans
    They are a type of nuts that contain monounsaturated fatty acids and are rich in antioxidants. They help in the improvement of overall cholesterol levels in the body and prevent cell damage during inflammation as they have beta carotene and vitamin E.
  • Tuna
    This is a kind of fish known for its health benefits. Eating tuna at least twice a week can help reduce the growth of plaque and also reduce triglyceride levels. You may also add trout, cod, salmon, sardines, and tilapia for a healthier diet that prevents high cholesterol levels.
  • Raspberries
    These berries are very high in fiber, and it is a known fact that fibrous fruits are very good for maintaining blood cholesterol levels. Eating at least one 25-grams serving of raspberries a day can help a great deal. There are also similar benefits you can get from other fruits like blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, cherries, and such.
  • Walnuts
    Eating these regularly, at least once a week, can reduce the risk of high cholesterol levels, and cardiovascular diseases. They can be eaten along with fruits during your breakfast. Not only walnuts, but other nuts also serve the purpose of keeping blood cholesterol levels low.
  • Avocados
    They are rich in unsaturated fats and fibers. Also called butter fruits because of the creamy and smooth texture, avocados have been proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases and are perfect additions to the diet of those with high cholesterol issues.
  • Olives and olive oil
    This oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and is the healthiest choice for cooking. Olives are great sources of antioxidants and help in preventing and reducing inflammation in the body. Also, olive oil prevents the cholesterol in your blood from getting oxidized. Oxidized cholesterol is the most dangerous form of cholesterol and is the major reason for the blockage in the arteries.
  • Soy milk
    Soy milk is an extract of soybeans and is a great alternative to dairy products, which make for a high-cholesterol diet. It’s also one of the sources of proteins, and adding soy and soy products in your diet can help lower cholesterol levels.