7 Home Remedies for Cold

Home remedies for cold and cough can be quite useful to get rid of the pain and discomfort. Here we have discussed natural remedies to treat the symptoms of a cold that a person is experiencing.

  •  Stay hydrated
    It is advisable to stay hydrated and drink warm liquids and soups. This helps is reducing your discomfort, clears out your congested nasal passage and loosens the mucus. You can also add some garlic, pepper, and ginger to your drinks as they are proven to help get rid of a cold faster.Interesting note!During the flu season, most of our team had one or more symptoms of the flu and we decided to test the suggestions in this article. Liz (Elizabeth) and Nora were the ones who jumped on testing teas to help with nasal congestion. We already had a lot of tea in our office (thanks to many of our partners and aligned brands). Of all the teas these two tested, the one that came out as a clear winner was Adagio tea. Not only did the teas taste good but also helped relieve the congestion both had been experiencing.

    If you would like to test their teas, go here and check them out for yourself!


  • Avoid sniffling
    It is necessary to blow one’s nose on a regular basis instead of sniffling when the person has a cold. However, it is important to not put too much pressure while trying to clear your nasal passage otherwise pressure can transport the phlegm that carries germs into the passages of the ears. This can result in an earache. Therefore, the best way to blow your nose is by pressing a finger over one nostril and blow gently to clear the other nostril.


  • Gargle with warm water
    For moistening the sore throat, one should to gargle. This will certainly provide some relief and soothe your throat. Add half a teaspoon of salt and turmeric to some warm water and gargle. Turmeric contains some powerful antioxidants that can fight many diseases. Salt, on the other hand, helps to neutralize acids and soothes the irritated mucous membranes.


  • Consume citrus fruits
    If you sense a cold coming, it is advisable to consume fruits that contain citrus. However, it is always recommended that one incorporate citrus fruits in their diet every day to prevent a cold. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is required for the production of collagen. This vitamin is known for strengthening the immune system, which helps to fight the cold off.


  • Honey cinnamon
    An effective home remedy is a mixture of honey, cinnamon, and lemon. In order to accelerate the process of getting well and yielding maximum results, it is recommended to consume this mixture twice a day.


  • Steam inhalation
    Steam therapy, also popularly known as steam inhalation, is one of the quickest ways to decongest your blocked nasal passage. Boil some water in a vessel and cover your head with a towel. Lower your head and maintain a distance of 8-10 inches while you inhale the steam to avoid burning yourself. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water as it is known to clear a stuffy nose.

  • Herbal tea
    Herbal tea with some spices such as pepper, cloves, and cinnamon is a great solution to a cold. Filled with nutrients, these herbs and spices are known to provide relief by opening up your nasal passage and also lessening the intensity of a headache.

Cold and coughs can be quite painful and can make day-to-day activities difficult to perform. It is advisable to rely on these home remedies for cough and cold so that you can alleviate your condition and recover quickly.