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Moderating Gout Attacks With a Healthy Diet

Gout is one of the most common diseases in our country. In the span of 20 years, the lifestyle and food habits of Americans have changed drastically, which has increased the number of people suffering from gout attacks. The presence of purines in the food you eat can increase uric […]

Make these Dietary Changes to Control Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness marked by delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, cognitive issues, and affected thought patterns. While medications and psychotherapy are largely used to treat this disorder, studies have shown that one’s diet plays a significant role in controlling one’s symptoms. To date, there is no conclusive evidence proving that […]

Following the GERD Diet to Treat Heartburn

Whether you have occasional heartburn, chronic heartburn or one of the underlying causes of heartburn – GERD, otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, following a GERD-friendly diet is one of the ways that could help reduce the effects of heartburn in addition to medicine. No food can cure, completely stave […]

7 Kinds of Foods that Alleviate Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a disorder characterized by extreme sadness leading to a lack of motivation and poor health choices in an individual. While depression can be treated with psychotherapy and medication, healthy lifestyles go a long way in preventing or handling it. Studies have found conclusive evidence of diet being directly […]

An Overview of Dietary Habits for Bipolar Disorder

Studies have shown that food plays a primary role in influencing the frequency, intensity, and duration of bipolar disorder. It also influences the ability of a person to handle the effects of bipolar disorder on sleep, perceptions, behavior, and general functioning. Some specific foods for bipolar disorder that can help […]

Types of Foods That are Rich in Vitamin E

Vitamin E in adequate amounts is essential for the normal functioning of the body. Vitamin E is a set of powerful antioxidants that protects the body cells from oxidative stress. A deficiency of vitamin E can make you susceptible to infections, impaired vision, or lead to muscle weakness. In the […]

Foods to Reduce the Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is a natural process in every woman. This transition period causes many uncomfortable problems like sleep-related troubles, weight gain, hot flashes, and reduced bone density. Also, women around their 40s or older are at higher risk of suffering from diseases due to various hormonal changes in the body. Although […]

8 Tips to Healthy Eating While Battling IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problematic disorder that is prevalent among a good portion of the population. This disorder has a lasting effect on the large intestine and can cause problems such as abdominal agony, abdominal inflation, diarrhea, or constipation (sometimes both, occurring one after the other). IBS is […]