Common Causes of Low Libido to be Wary of

Low libido is a term used to describe a reduced sexual drive in a person. It is common to lose interest in sex sometimes, but if it ends up being an elongated problem, you have a reason to worry. To address this problem better, here are some causes of low libido that you should know about:

Sleep problems

As per a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, non-obese men who have obstructive sleep apnea may suffer from much lower levels of testosterone. In turn, this results in low libido and a lack of sexual activity. In the same study, researchers also found that around one-third of men who suffered from sleep apnea experienced much lower levels of testosterone. Low testosterone equals a lowered sex drive. Additionally, another study showed that men who experienced a week of five hours of sleep each night went through a 10 to 15% decrease in their sexual drive. So, lack of sleep is one of the leading causes of low libido. This is not surprising considering that lack of sleep can lead to many other health issues as well.

Exercise in excess

While most people assume that less exercise is the cause of their problems, in some cases, too much exercise can be troublesome too. Studies have shown that excessive exercise can affect a person’s arousal and sexual desire. This cause can lead to low libido in men and women. We highly recommend that you do regular exercise so that your risk of chronic conditions is reduced. Diseases right from obesity and type 2 diabetes to high blood pressure can be avoided with a proper exercise schedule and the right dietary measures. Moderation is the key. You can consult a fitness specialist to know what exercise routine works best for you.


This is one of the causes of low libido which cannot be avoided. It is a known fact that high testosterone levels are associated with late teenage years at the most. As men grow older, they may take longer to get an erection or to ejaculate. However, it is recommended that you consult a sexual health expert to cope up with this problem and prevent it all together as you grow older. Eating right and staying fit are ways to overcome this issue.


So many people get caught in the habit of smoking. This happens despite knowing how bad smoking is for health in general. Smoking is one of the most common causes of low libido in men and women. Studies have shown smoking to be linked to a reduced sperm count. If you smoke, it is best to immediately get help to quit for a healthy life and a better future.

These are the most common causes of low libido. Other more specific causes can vary from person to person.