Different Hair Removal Techniques that You Should Know

With the advent of technology, there are many options available to remove unwanted hair on arms, legs, toes, feet, fingers, back, cheeks, chin, and upper lip. Having unwanted hair can be due to high levels of hormones, consumption of medications containing steroids, or the development of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

There are many ways to remove unwanted hair but in all cases, they grow back:-

Shaving is the best way to remove unwanted hair quickly and is best for the face, arms and legs. It is known to cause ingrown hair growth mostly in the pubic region.

This hair removal method can be painful but is the best option if you have less hair to remove. Plucking is used to reshape eyebrows or pull star hair but it cannot be used to remove hair in large areas. This can cause scarring or ingrowth.

Depilatory creams
Creams for hair removal are also called depilatory creams which are available over the counter. All hair removing creams are not the same and you need to read the labels before using them.

You cannot use one for pubic hair on the face. The chemicals dissolve the hair shaft but leaving it for a long time can cause skin burn. Test the cream on a small area to check to see if you have a reaction to it.

Hot Wax
This hair removal treatment can be used to remove unwanted hair at home or at a salon. Although hot wax can be painful, and messy it can leave a few hairs behind when they break. It can also cause infection and if the wax is very hot it can burn the skin. Do not use hot wax if you are using any cream containing Retin-A or if you take isotretinoin. These ingredients will let the hot wax pull the skin off easily. Women who want to remove unwanted hair on the upper lip and bikini area should use this method.

Threading is the traditional Indian method of removing hair a service that is also offered by the salons.

Laser hair removal
In this type of treatment, light is used to remove unwanted hair. The treatment requires a number of sittings over four to six weeks. You need to select a trained technician or doctor.

Electrolysis is carried on by a professional. The trained individual places a tiny needle and a current is passed through to destroy the hair follicle. There are two methods of hair removal is electrolysis. These are thermolytic and galvanic methods.

Medications for unwanted hair
If the methods mentioned above do not work then ask your doctor for medications that will inhibit hair growth. Medications like Spironolactone reduces hair growth in unwanted areas. It also does not reduce the hair on the scalp.

Vaniqa cream is approved by the FDA. It is used to reduce the hair growth on the face of women. It can be applied twice a day and one you stop using, hair will grow again.