Dyskinesia – Quick Facts, Symptoms, Types, and Lifestyle Tips

Dyskinesia leads to uncontrollable, involuntary, and abnormal body movements. This condition has various forms wherein the symptoms range from full-body movements to minor tics. Usually, it is connected with the long-term consumption of Levodopa, which is a medication used for Parkinson’s disease. It can also be associated with antipsychotic medications or brain injury. Treating this condition involves repairing the underlying cause through surgery and consumption of certain medications. Explained ahead are a few quick facts, symptoms, types, and lifestyle tips for dyskinesia.

Listed below are a few quick facts related to this health condition:

  • The symptoms begin as tremors, tics, or minor shakes usually in the concerned patient’s dominant foot or hand
  • The various types of this condition are related to different causes
  • This condition is only treated if the symptoms are severe
  • Behavioral therapy may prove to be beneficial if dyskinesia occurs due to autism


The main symptom of dyskinesia is involuntary movement. Gradually, these symptoms worsen with time. However, they can develop all of a sudden or become more prominent due to brain injury or damage. Each type of this condition has a unique set of symptoms.


The main types of dyskinesia include:

  • Parkinson’s/Levodopa-induced dyskinesia
  • Tremors
  • Dystonia
  • Chorea
  • Delayed or tardive dyskinesia
  • Spasmodic torticollis
  • Ballism
  • Athetosis
  • Tics and stereotypies

Lifestyle tips

Explained below are a few lifestyle tips for dyskinesia, which you must follow to treat this condition.

Modify the timing to consume medication

The timing of consuming Parkinson’s medication is a key aspect due to the ‘wearing-off’ phenomenon. Some have the opinion that the effectiveness of the medication stops approximately four hours after taking a dose. The doctor may split the daily medication into more frequent doses. Doing this may result in a steadier intake of medication in the body.

Consult the doctor regarding continuous medication infusion

One method to avoid fluctuations in dopamine levels is duodenal infusion wherein the medication directly travels into the intestine through a tube. As per the Parkinson’s Foundation, in another method, a small device, which is similar to an insulin pump, is clipped to the patient’s clothes. This method is known as “continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion”. In this method, a wire enters the patient’s skin to provide a steady dose of a dopamine agonist, which is known as Apokyn (apomorphine). Doing this may decrease the ‘off’ phases and may also reduce the symptoms related to dyskinesia.

Practice aerobics

With a disease like Parkinson’s, physical activity is a must. Even if the patient feels mentally fatigued, encourage walking or jogging everyday to keep the body fit and slow down the progression of the disease.

Reduce protein in diet

Some research shows that consuming a high protein diet along with Levodopa reduces the efficacy of the medicine. Among the main lifestyle tips for dyskinesia, experts recommend taking Levodopa with carbohydrate snacks like bread or crackers