Home Methods to Whiten Teeth

Teeth, with time, are prone to stains. Factors like smoking cigarettes and drinking tea, coffee, or wine can cause your teeth to stain. Yellowish teeth, however, can now be whitened with a plethora of products available in the market. If you want professional help, you could also visit a dentist.

There are two reasons why teeth turn yellow. The main cause is staining from drinks and food while the second reason is when the dentin turns yellow.

There are some popular and less expensive ways to whiten teeth with the help of home remedies. While many are satisfied with how their teeth look, others dislike their appearance because of their teeth. A study conducted concluded that around 48% of the people who participated untagged themselves from pictures because of how their teeth looked.

Cutting down on habits like smoking and drinking can help but for severe stains, it is better to take professional help.

Methods to whiten your teeth
There is no solution as such to whiten the teeth. In rare cases, people are born with yellow teeth. Sometimes, the enamel color is translucent bluish-white or yellow dentin, which gives the teeth their natural shade.

  • Oil-pulling
    This is the latest fad. It can be achieved with the help of coconut oil to detox and clean the teeth. You have to gargle your mouth with the oil for around 15 minutes a couple of times a week for effective results. This old yet popular technique, slowly break down the plague and stains. It also helps to eliminate toxins, bacteria, and detoxify the mouth.
  • Eat an apple
    Many recommend using lemon to whiten the teeth. But lemon should be avoided as it breaks down the enamel, allowing the teeth to deteriorate. Instead, you should eat vitamin C, as it helps absorb calcium; this helps remove debris and plaque as well. Eating an apple helps absorb acid, which, in turn, whitens the teeth. This also strengthens your teeth.
  • Crunchy vegetables
    Vegetables are good for your overall health. Moreover, crunchy vegetables like celery and carrots help remove stains and plaque.
  • Eat burnt toast
    Burnt toast has an abrasive quality like charcoal which whitens the teeth. You need to whiten the teeth without breaking down the enamel. Charcoal also absorbs the tannin stains on your teeth.
  • Hydrogen peroxide
    Another way to whiten your teeth is to add hydrogen peroxide to the toothpaste. It helps brighten and whiten the teeth. However, consult your dentist before using this method, as hydrogen peroxide is known to break down tooth enamel. You can add a little baking soda to the toothpaste to help remove stains left by food and drinks.
  • Floss
    Regular flossing is a must and leads to great results. It helps to remove the accumulation of food and bacteria stuck between the teeth. It also helps to maintain dental hygiene to make your teeth look whiter.