Natural Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

This type of cancer usually occurs in a gland called the prostate. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer that men suffer from in the country. However, it still has a serious effect on the quality of life as it can also be life-threatening. This type of cancer usually begins when the cells become abnormal and start to expand in number. However, there are ways to reduce their growth by incorporating some home remedies for prostate cancer.

If one notices any of the following symptoms, it is recommended to rush to the doctor and get a check-done done.

  • A decrease in the force in the stream of urine
  • One has trouble urinating
  • One notices blood in their semen
  • One can feel pain and discomfort in their pelvic area
  • Erectile dysfunction

There is no one single method to prevent prostate cancer. There are several natural methods to prevent prostate cancer. These include eating lots of fruits, vegetables, exercising daily, and maintaining a healthy weight.

How can one prevent or decrease the chances of getting prostate cancer?

The list sheds insight on some home remedies for prostate cancer. Here are a few natural remedies that reduce the risk of prostate cancer

Consuming soy products
Soybean products contain isoflavones, which is an anti-inflammatory chemical, and soy has very high concentrations of it. It can be found in soymilk, tofu, alfalfa, beans, and chickpeas. However, isoflavones only have a protective role to play, they do not treat the disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids
This fatty acid is found in fish and some other seafood. Other sources are soybeans, flax seeds, and walnuts. This home remedy for prostate cancer is known to reduce the risk of the disease.

Consuming tomatoes is also known to reduce prostate cancer. Cooked and canned tomatoes contain lycopene, and this compound is known to reduce the risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and the likes of it. Lycopene is also found in apricots, watermelon, and grapefruits.


Research has proved that coffee also contains antioxidants, which reduces the risk of developing cancer and other diseases. However, coffee should be consumed in small quantities, otherwise, it might prove to be counterproductive.

Foods and substances to avoid
Some compounds that are found in foods may put one at the risk of developing prostate cancer. It is advisable to avoid selenium and vitamin E. Both these components are known to cause cancer and if taken together or separately, it increases the risk of cancer.

Vegetable oils
If a diet contains high amounts of unhealthy fats, it increases the risk of various types of cancer. While omega-3 may reduce the risk of breast cancer, it is likely to aggravate the risk of prostate cancer.

National Cancer Institute in the country recommends avoiding the consumption of meat that is fried, grilled or cooked at high temperatures.

Sugar and carbohydrates
Any diet which is loaded with sugar and carbohydrates will immediately affect a person’s insulin and sugar levels, and this can intensify the condition.