Standard Treatments for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer is one health condition wherein the cancer cells grow abnormally at a rapid rate and metastasize throughout the body, making treatment quite difficult. This type of cancer can result in tumour formation and can be caused by smoking, exposure to metal dust, air pollution, AIDS, radiation treatment for another cancer, exposure to asbestos, and passive smoking. It could also be genetic, making it important for families who have a higher risk of developing this disease to go for regular check-ups and be aware of the risk factors of the condition. Treatments for non-small cell lung cancer depend on the stage of the condition and the symptoms. It also depends upon the capacity of an individual to withstand certain treatment methods.

  • Surgery: This is the most common treatment used in both stage 1 and stage 2 of cancers. The objective of this surgery is to remove the tumour either in the lobe or partially or fully remove the lobe. The surgeons also use video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery wherein they cut or make a small incision in the chest region and insert the thoracoscope to find the tumour or to remove the lung lobe with the scope. Also, some doctors try to destroy the cancer cells by freezing them or by using a heated needle. Many of the surgeons even use non-invasive methods to remove tumours that have resulted due to non-small cell lung cancer. Eventually, the surgery depends on the nature of cancer and the extent of its presence in the body.
  • Chemotherapy: This treatment is again used on the basis of the stage and condition of cancer and is ideally used post-surgery. This mode of treatment is not advisable for patients with poor health. Medications that are often used in chemotherapy to treat non-small cell lung cancer are Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Paclitaxel, Albumin-bound paclitaxel, Docetaxel, Gemcitabine, Irinotecan, Etoposide and Vinblastine. The chemo cycles are usually1-3 days followed by a couple days of rest and the cycle can last for 3-4 weeks. In case the chemo isn’t working, there could be single line treatment with a single medication instead of the combination of medications it usually involves. This treatment procedure is often recommended in stage 3 when lung cancer cannot be cured via surgery. In recent times, maintenance chemotherapy is a new aspect that is a part of clinical trials wherein either one switch to another medication or continues with the initial drug for a longer period of time.
  • Targeted treatments: This line of treatment focuses on destroying only cancer cells and this is a perfect go for patients with advanced non-small cell lung c Chemotherapy might be used as a combination treatment for faster recovery. Some of the medications that are used in this are Erlotinib, wherein it helps in blocking a certain kind of receptor on the cell surface, Afatinib and Bevacizumab which helps in stopping the vascular endothelial growth factor from stimulating the growth of blood vessels, Crizotinib that helps in an advanced stage, and Ceritinib that treats metastatic advanced non-small cell lung cancer.

  • Immunotherapy: This is one of the relatively newer lines of treatments wherein nivolumab is used to treat metastatic non-small cell lung cancer that could not be treated with chemotherapy.