Tips to Ensure Healthy Living With Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle-related disorder that results in high blood glucose levels due to insulin resistance or low production of insulin. Following a healthy lifestyle prevents or delays the onset of diabetes, so it is important for both the prevention and treatment of the condition.

Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases, a leading cause of death among diabetes patients. Here are some lifestyle changes to help prevent and manage the condition:

  • Ensure proper nutrition
    Healthy food, balanced portions, and reading food labels are important habits to maintain a healthy weight and prevent or manage diabetes. Foods like jellies, candy, soda, cake, and sugar are to be avoided for the treatment of diabetes as these foods increase blood glucose levels.
  • Keep a log
    Blood sugar levels should be checked regularly, and the foods eaten and their reactions should also be tracked. By jotting down what is eaten and how it affects glucose levels, the body’s reaction to foods can be observed and harmful foods can be avoided.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
    Most people are always on the go and spend little time at home. However, regardless of where one is, eating right is important for the prevention or treatment of diabetes.
  • Indulge in physical activity
    Being active for 30 minutes every day helps lose 7% of the body weight, which can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, and being physically active can also benefit in managing diabetes and its negative effects.
    A moderate-intensity exercise regimen is recommended for at least 150 to 175 minutes per week. This can be done by simply taking a brisk walk, which moderately increases the heart rate.
  • Avoid smoking
    It is a leading cause of death in the country. Also, people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from a stroke, and smoking doubles this risk. Once diagnosed with diabetes, it is better to avoid smoking to prevent coronary diseases and other complications. Otherwise, it increases the risk of high blood pressure and reduced HDL or good cholesterol levels, and it makes it difficult to exercise. Smoking can also damage the kidneys if the individual has diabetes.
  • Manage stress
    Stress affects an individual’s well-being, causes headaches and stomach aches, along with pain in other parts of the body. Additionally, it reduces energy levels, disrupts sleep, and triggers an unhealthy response to drinking and overeating.

Tips to keep in mind when eating on the go

  • Carry lunch and snacks from home so that you can stick to healthy food and will not be tempted to eat junk, which is convenient and easy to get but also unhealthy.
  • Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day and stay hydrated.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake.
  • Diabetes-friendly recipes simply make a few small changes to the regular recipe to give you healthy recipes. These can be savory, sweet, or anything in between, and you can enjoy them to feel full without any fear of spiked blood glucose levels.