Top Facts About Eyeshadow to be Aware of

As the eyes are referred to as the windows of the soul it is definitely needed that they are dressed in a beautiful way. This is the main reason why an eyeshadow needs to be used. There is no other eye makeup that can be used to pop and sparkle the eyes in a better manner than a well-applied eyeshadow.

The eyeshadows have been available in the market for centuries now but till today there are several mistakes that women make which most commonly include choosing the wrong shade of eyeshadow. Therefore, to help a person make the best use of their eyeshadow and explore all its wonders here all the facts related to the eyeshadow are discussed.

The first evidence of the existence of eyeshadow was in ancient Egypt, which is almost 12000 years ago. At that time the Egyptians made use of kohl for improving the look of a person and also for religious and medical purposes.

Every eyeshadow has a shelf life of almost three years.

Eyeshadows are available today in all possible sizes and shapes. The powder eyeshadows are considered old school makeup products as today’s eyeshadows can also be found in different forms which include mousses, creams, and chubby sticks.

One needs to make use of a good primer if one plans on having an intense Smokey eye effect or applying a heavy color. The application of the eyeshadow stops creasing from taking place.

One of the main things about eyeshadows is blending as no one wishes to see where the start or the end of the eyeshadow is.

One needs to add some shimmer so that they can brighten up as well as whiten up their eyes by applying eyeshadows that have sheers and shimmers on to the inner corners of the eyes.

There are several eyeshadow shades all of them being different from one another that one needs to explore in order to highlight every eye color. Ladies who have eyes that are blue in color should go in for the shades that are brown in color. Ladies who have green eyes should go in for shades of purple and burgundy. While the beauties who have eyes that are brown in color can get away with any color under the sun.

Most of the shades of color that the person will be using close to the lash line needs to be applied and thereafter the person needs to soften the color as the person moves towards their crease. This will create the effect of the eyeshadow that will seem to be naturally fading.

In order to add a little extra depth and dimension to the eyes by applying a medium to dark eyeshadow in the eye’s crease. Also, the person should not forget to blend it well.

One should also keep in mind the strategies and techniques when it comes to the application of eyeshadows. When one wishes to have fake large eyes, one needs to apply a bit of eyeshadow over the eyelid and a darker eyeshadow needs to be applied to the eye’s crease that will result in bigger eyes.