Types of Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer

The treatment of cancer involves a plethora of professionals. Professionals like doctors, nurses, physician assistants, counselors, dieticians, and social workers work as a multidisciplinary team. The treatment options range from immunotherapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, radiation. The treatment is recommended to treat the symptoms and side effects of cancer.

Treatment depends on many factors:

  • Overall health
  • Patient’s preference
  • Side effects
  • Stage of cancer
  • Type of cancer

It is essential to understand the types of cancer and what treatments are available when diagnosed with cancer. Discuss the treatment plans and what to expect when suffering from the condition. If detected early, pancreatic cancer treatment has a high rate of success. People at an advanced stage and those who are expected to live longer than six months should go to a hospice, as they provide the best care. Special equipment and nurses can be used at home.

Types of treatments for pancreatic cancer

Surgery helps to remove cancerous parts of the pancreas, depending on where the tumor is located and its size. Sometimes healthy tissue is also removed; this is known as a margin. Clear or negative margins means there are no cancer cells on the edge of the healthy tissue removed.

Only 20% of people suffering from pancreatic cancer undergo surgery if the disease has already spread. Surgery is combined with radiation and systematic therapy. These are called adjuvant therapy. Sometimes, therapy is used to shrink the tumor before the surgery and this is known as neoadjuvant therapy.

The different types of surgery include laparoscopy, surgical removal of the tumor, and pancreatectomy. The side effects may include pain, tiredness, and weakness after the surgery. It also includes difficulty in digesting food and diabetes (due to loss of insulin produced by the pancreas).

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses x-rays of high energy and other particles, which destroy the cancer cells. Common radiation treatment is external beam radiation therapy, which is given from outside the body. This is often used to treat pancreatic cancer. The therapy regimen includes a set number of treatments over a period. This therapy reduces the chances of recurrent pancreatic cancer in the original location. However, this could have some side effects. Side effects may include loose bowel movements, upset stomach, nausea, skin reactions, and fatigue. Most of these go away after the treatment is over. Talk to your health care team about its after-effects.

Chemotherapy is used to destroy the cancerous cells and their ability to re-grow and divide. It is given several times for effective results. It includes two or more medicines in combination. This treatment is for those who can carry out their daily activities. The combination of medicines depends on the experience of the oncologist and the side effects, including the patient’s general health.

Targeted therapy
Targeted therapy targets the specific genes of cancer, proteins, or the tissue environment, which contribute to the survival of cancer. This treatment blocks the spread and growth of cancer cells and limits the damage to healthy cells. The doctor runs tests to identify the protein, genes, and various factors of the tumor to match with each patient for effective treatment.

Immunotherapy is also known as biologic therapy. It boosts the body’s natural defense to fight cancer.