Understanding the Causes of Non-Hodgkin

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system of the body. Researchers say that the NHL is associated with many risk factors. Even so, the cause behind most lymphomas is relatively unknown. This can be attributed to the fact that lymphomas consist of various types of cancer. However, according to recent medical research, there are still some lesser-known causes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which are as follows:

Change in genes

As far as the main causes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are concerned, scientists have spent a good deal of effort in researching the genetic aspect of it. They have been analyzing how specific changes in our DNA can convert healthy lymphocyte cells to lymphoma cells.

All of us are aware that we resemble our parents because the source of this is DNA. However, our DNA is not merely responsible for our appearance. Some genes also have control over how specific cells in the body divide, grow, and die. Now we need to understand the following demarcation to understand this better:


  • Genes that help cells in multiplying, dividing, and staying alive are referred to as oncogenes
  • Genes that regulate cell division or kill cells when required are known as tumor suppressor genes.

Now, cancers are mainly caused due to DNA mutations that turn the oncogenes on. They may also shut off the tumor suppressor genes. Certain people may inherit this DNA mutation from one parent who makes them more susceptible to certain kinds of cancer.

Gene changes that are associated with NHL are typically acquired during a lifetime. They are not inherited. Acquired changes in the genes may result from extreme exposure to chemicals causing cancer, radiation as well as infections.

However, in some cases, these changes may occur without any reason at all. At the moment, scientists have been able to find gene changes, which lead to specific kinds of lymphomas. For instance, when it comes to follicular lymphoma, most cells frequently exchange DNA between specific chromosomes.

Scientists are still trying to figure out the underlying gene change, which leads to NHL. So the answer might lie in researching for causes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in people who have no other obvious risk factors.

Changes in the immune system

Lymphocytes can be best described as cells of the immune system. So, most cases of this form of cancer see drastic changes or deterioration in the immune system. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma may occur in people due to the following reasons:


  • People who suffer from immune deficiencies due to organ transplants, HIV infection, or even treatment with drugs are highly susceptible to developing this kind of cancer.
  • People affected with autoimmune diseases are also prone to get affected by lymphoma. Here, the immune system continually affects a particular part or organ of the body.

It is mainly the abnormal changes in the immune system and the genes that can be categorized as the primary causes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. On-going research will also hopefully unearth new causes as well as effective treatment options.